Online price: £59.00 59.00

Relief Pads

Essential under-saddle cushioning to prevent and relieve back problems

Do your horse’s back a favour and use one every day. What makes our pad so much better than its rivals is its unique ability to cushion and protect – in such a super-thin package. It creates a maximum bearing surface under the points of the tree without altering the saddle fit. Available in a variety of sizes and styles to suit your saddle. Straight-cut front edge for use under a dressage saddle.
A wide fit which is generously shaped to accommodate even the broadest panelled dressage saddle.

Lined with breathable, fast-drying Dri-Lex:
Zone 1: Hydrofil® draws away and absorbs moisture.
Zone 2: Stays soft, dry and cool against the skin.
Machine-washable and quick-drying for convenience and hygiene.

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