
Embrace the September Reset: A Fresh Start for Horse Riders

Embrace the September Reset: A Fresh Start for Horse Riders

As the leaves begin to change and a crispness fills the air, September marks a natural transition from summer to autumn. For horse riders, this change in season offers an excellent opportunity for a "September reset." It's a time to reevaluate your riding goals, analyse the season you’ve just had, refresh your routine. In this blog article, we'll explore the benefits of a September reset for horse riders and provide you with practical tips to make the most of this fresh start.

  1. Reflect on Your Riding Journey

September is the perfect time to reflect on your riding journey so far. Think about your accomplishments, challenges, and the experiences you've gained throughout the year. Ask yourself:

  • Have I achieved the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year?
  • What obstacles did I face, and how did I overcome them?
  • What have I learned about myself as a rider?
  • What did we do well?
  • What were our weaker areas?

Reflecting on your riding journey can help you set new, achievable goals for the upcoming months.

  1. Set Clear Riding Goals

After reflecting on your riding journey, it's time to set clear and specific goals for the rest of the year. Whether you want to improve your jumping technique, build a stronger bond with your horse, or compete in a specific event, setting goals will give your riding purpose and direction. Make sure your goals are SMART:

  • Specific: Clearly define what you want to achieve.
  • Measurable: Set criteria to track your progress.
  • Achievable: Make sure your goals are within reach.
  • Relevant: Ensure your goals align with your passion for riding.
  • Time-bound: Set a realistic deadline for each goal.
  1. Reevaluate Your Horses’ Exercise Routine

Your routine may need a refresh to align with your new goals. Consider making adjustments to your training schedule, lesson plans, and horse care routines - consider doing more groundwork. So often we hear people say that they couldn’t possibly be without their saddle for a week. The benefits of groundwork are huge. It promotes safety, trust, communication, obedience, and physical and mental well-being for both you and your horse. If you don’t feel confident about doing it, there are always books, videos and professionals who can help. September is an excellent time to establish a balanced routine that accommodates both your riding aspirations and your horse's needs.

  1. Focus on Self-Care

Taking care of yourself is just as important as caring for your horse. A September reset is an opportunity to prioritize self-care. Ensure you're physically fit by incorporating regular exercise into your routine, maintaining a balanced diet, and getting enough rest. Additionally, practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques to reduce stress and improve your mental well-being, which will positively impact your riding.

  1. Connect with the Equestrian Community

Horse riding is not just a solitary activity; it's a community filled with passionate individuals who share your love for horses. Use the September reset as a chance to connect with fellow riders. Attend local equestrian events, join riding clubs, or engage with online equestrian communities. Building relationships within the equestrian world can provide you with valuable support, advice, and inspiration.

  1. Invest in Education

Never stop learning as a horse rider. Consider enrolling in riding clinics, workshops, or taking private lessons with experienced trainers. Expanding your knowledge and skills will not only benefit you but also strengthen the bond between you and your horse.

A September reset for horse riders is more than just a change in seasons; it's an opportunity for growth, renewal, and rediscovery. Take the time to reflect on your riding journey, set clear goals, and make the necessary adjustments to your routine. Prioritize self-care, connect with the equestrian community, and invest in your education. By embracing the September reset, you can reignite your passion for horse riding and take your equestrian journey to new heights. Enjoy the autumn ride ahead!


To help you in your September Reset click the image below to download your free weekly schooling planner. 



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