Frequently asked questions
What's the difference between a saddle check and a saddle fit?
A Saddle Check is a thorough check on an existing saddle that your horse is wearing. This includes templates of the horse’s back being taken and covers both the fit and general condition of the saddle, in order to determine
a) if the saddle is still suitable for your horse/pony
b) if the saddle requires any maintenance work, such as reflocking or width adjustment. They may also highlight areas that need repair for safety issues such as replacement girth straps.
If the existing saddle is no longer suitable for your horse, the Saddle Fitter will ask if you wish to schedule an appointment to fit a new saddle.
A Saddle Fit is the fitting of a new saddle. This involves a template being taken of your horse’s back, after which the Saddle Fitter will make a judgement on which saddle/s would be suitable to try on that horse. In both cases the horse’s main rider/s would normally be required to ride the horse in walk, trot & canter and perhaps jump, in order for the Saddle Fitter to further assess the fit of the Saddle. Exceptions include very young & unbroken horses & ponies.